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English Communication- Do and Don’t for Profile Picture for Online Dating

English Communication- Do and Don’t for Profile Picture for Online Dating


shutterstock_149280347Using the route of online dating for connecting to people has been around for a while.  That’s good because it means there is a good amount of advice to be read and analyzed.  We’ll share with you some of those tips in this article.

To pursue the route of online dating, you need to make an online dating profile.  But before we get to that, here’s an important tip:

Typically people will look at your profile picture before they read your bio.  Here are several tips for your pictures to get you attuned to some concerns and goals.


  • Consider communicating via your photo some of your hobbies or values
    • Example: you on a lake with friends indicates your love of the outdoors and value of friendship
  • Include one close-up and one further-back picture to help people get an accurate idea of what you look like
  • Use a current picture


  • Always have sunglasses on since people want to see your face
  • Have too many group photos where it is hard to tell which is you
  • Forget the unspoken messages. Whatever you are looking for (which could range from wanting a serious relationship all the way to simply wanting to expand your circle of people to hang out with) consider the unspoken messages communicated via your clothes, the expression on your face, your body language
    • Remember that 55% of a person’s impression of you will come from what they see
      • For example, viewers seeing that all the profile pictures show the person with a bottle of beer or other alcoholic beverages communicates sets of impressions about the person.
      • Clothing and body posture communicate a great deal. Blue jeans, casual shirt, and relaxed posture communicate various sets of messages.  Other body postures with other sets of clothes communicate other sets of messages.    Clothing that fits super tight to the body along with body language from the face, arms and legs will generate other sets of interpretations.
      • One remedy is to be sure to post several pictures that somehow communicate several things about your personality and likes or interests.


Now that we have explored some ideas to think about for a profile picture, we’ll move to explore writing a profile next time.

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