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Public Speaking: Living Color- Get the Best for Your Slides

Public Speaking:  Living Color- Get the Best for Your Slides


The fun of communicating, for you the presenter to any number of people, is to use our wonderful earthly tools to spark the listener/viewer.

Color has an amazing ability to stimulate the senses.  You’ve seen a great number of presentations with power point or other systems of digital slides.  But from all your viewing, you probably cannot describe what works or doesn’t work.

Here are some tips for guiding you in choosing  color combinations to set the mood of a presentation and make things easier to see on your visual aid.

The color yellow

  • Warm on white, harsh on black, fiery on red, soothing on light blue

The color blue

  • Warm on white, hard to see on black

The color red

  • Bright on white, warm or difficult to see on black

Optimizing Your Use of Color

  • Yellow, orange, and red rank highest in visibility, so use these colors to highlight text or objects within a frame
  • To de-emphasize less important areas of a presentation, use softer, lighter colors
  • For typeface and graphics, use colors that contrast rather than clash with or blend into the background color
  • Use blues, greens, and neutral colors such as tan and white, for backgrounds
  • Use no more than four colors in a graphic; two or three are even better
  • Stay within the same family of hues

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