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Public Speaking- Best Advice for Speech Writing

Public Speaking-  Best Advice for Speech Writing


Asked to do a presentation, a speech?

Speech writing is different than other writing.  The best speeches are written not to be read with the eyes but to be heard.

Maximize success by writing the speech to be heard.

Here are some tips for direct, clear, appealing speech writing.

  • Shorter sentences
  • Sentences of varying length
  • Concrete ideas
  • Fewer words
  • Active tense
  • Repetition of main points

For every minute of the speech, schedule an hour of preparation time.  Preparation includes  writing, rewriting and rewriting! and rehearsal. It’s true for a formal speech for me too!

Few speeches are longer than twenty minutes, and most are shorter.

Perhaps your speech or presentation is more informal– for a meeting. Principles of writing so the ear and brain can easily process are the same.

Acquiring clear North American English is a complex procedural skill with 14 dimensions. Distributed practice or spaced practice is the best kind for nastering procedural skills. Plus— it’s not practice makes perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect.

Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos  for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercise. Practice distributed learning for mastery of clear English

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