English Speech Communication- Be Great at Encouraging Conversation
English Speech Communication_ Be Great at Encouraging Conversation
Some people have the magic to make conversation– want to be that person?Magnetism we call it: ability to encourage others to open up and converse..
The magnetism is the use of “magic” phrases over and over, always with sincerity and genuine connection.
“I have confidence you can do this.”
“How may I help?”
“How are you doing?”
“Good idea.”
“May I?”
“Thank you.”
“Oops. I forgot.”
“Wow! That’s fantastic.”
“No problem.”
“Your tie is great.”
“Excuse me.”
“Would it work for you.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“So sorry.” Or “I do apologize.”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Would you be so kind as to return my call?”
“Congratulations on your project.”
“No, thank you.”
“Good morning.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
“How are you?” (and listen and see and hear the answer)
“I could use your help.”
“Great job.”
“Nice presentation!”
“How did it go?”
“You must be pleased (happy, proud).”
Powerful “magic” words — said with warmth to show consideration for others, courtesy and respect.
True– at work and in life is encouragement to work hard, better, smarter. Research indicates that what people really want are to be acknowledged and feel appreciated.
Want clearer speech? Learn from our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercises.
3 Keys to Small Talk
3 Keys to Small Talk
At a meeting, conference, dinner gathering, wedding– these are the 3 keys to small talk:t a small dinner party, a wedding, a conference or corporate meeting.
- Be open and find common ground with the other person.
- Always listen.
- And do great follow-up questions.
What Makes a Great Conversationalist
What Makes a Great Conversationalist?
Answer: Follow-up questions.
Careful listening makes you better able to respond in conversation. Build on what the other person said and reveal about yourself — experience, opinion when it’s your turn in the dialogue. Best of all, good follow up questions are key to going from good to great conversationalist.
Great tip: Ask questions that the other person will enjoy answering, often hobby, interests (such as sports or the arts, pets, family), trips.
English communication skills- Networking & Relationships- Power of Writing Notes for Praise & Thanks
English communication skills- Networking & Relationships- Power of Writing Notes for Praise and Thanks
Little things in life touch us–like receiving a note from a work colleague or friend– think email, telephone text, paper. Handwritten is a wow for the recipient: a note can brighten a day, bring a smile, inspire and sometimes change a life. Expressing gratitude and praising helps people stay uplifted, focused and on track by reminding us to maintain an attitude of gratitude (even amidst tragic news such as war and pandemic).
Here are some four “S’s” of note writing. A note should be:
- Sincere – Express your heart, your emotion.
- Short- One to three sentences.
- Specific- Focus on something specific to the recipient, i.e., “Great story in your speech about Stefan’s marketing strategy.”
- Spontaneous – Enthusiasm has long-lasting effect.
Send notes frequently that say “Thanks for:
- Your confidence in me.
- Your friendship.
- The opportunity to learn more about your organization
- Ideas you shared with me.
- Your interest in our organization.
- Your support.
- The referral.
- Sending that article (or the link to that blog).
- Thinking of me.
- Taking the time to…
- The opportunity to do business with you.
- You are one of my favorite clients. Thanks for being so great to work with
- Meeting with me.
- Your encouragement.
- Staying in touch.
Want a free Sample Lesson with us, contact ALJohnson@ClearTalkMastery.com
Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercises.
English communication skills: Networking- Praise & Thanks
English communication skills- Networking- – Praise & Thanks
People who support you personally and professionally —- that’s your network. Now that we are going back to the office in person, take a few moments and recall the names of those people.
Jump start 2022: engage in praise and thanks to those people.
Do this: give positive, sincere feedback and support to people in your circle, your network.
As for appreciation, we can’t just tell people one time that we appreciate them. And the “how” is the message–gratitude and caring must be sincere.
Two predominant ways to regularly acknowledge contributions of people in your network:
- Speak to them either in person or on the telephone/video conferencing
- Send notes (text, email, postal mail)
Tips for verbal praise and acknowledgement:
- Communicate immediately your noticing and appreciating their action. At the end of conversations, express thanks for their time, insights, effort. feedback.
- Establish protocol for the last few moments of a meeting to be a time for acknowledgments when anyone can communicate appreciation to anyone else in the meeting.
- The “how” is the message– give acknowledgements directly by looking people in the eye, get their attention, don’t mumble or act as if your comment is unimportant– use a strong, sincere voice.
“Marty, I appreciate the way you…”
- Be direct, specific and warm about what you appreciate– that will catch their attention. Emotion felt communicates in voice and facial expresssion.
“Terry, I noticed how you responded to that client. I sure liked the way you listened and tried to take care of her concern so that she felt taken care of.”
- Acknowledge what people do AND the characteristic they show. Give positive feedback about their values, strengths, and abilities, as well as the way they are using those strengths and skills to get things done.
“Congratulations on your new venture. I admire your courage to go forth on your own.”
“Thanks for referring Lee and Tays to me. We had a great conversation right away and I look forward to working with their firm. I sure appreciate having you as a powerful resource in my life.”
“Thanks for your hospitality. I so enjoyed my visit. You are such a gracious host.”
The second way to express thanks and gratitude is via notes. More on the power of notes next time.
Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercises.