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Dr. Antonia Johnson

Rapport- What to Customize

Rapport- What to Customize?

Go to the trouble of learning about the audience in any presentation..  Make six or seven references geared to your audience.  That makes you, the speaker, an insider and lets the audience know you took the trouble of learning about them.

Make comments – humorous statements, praise, or just simple observations – about the people you’re speaking to, the organization’s history, local businesses, local news, events, or customs.


How To Be a Great Conversationalist

English Communication: How To Be a Great Conversationalist


Conversation establishes rapport and connects us to our colleagues, clients, co-workers, friends, and family. Confidence in conversation makes you better in your work relationships and personal relationships.

Susan RoAne made a survey of what she called, “ConverSensations”, people who enjoy conversation and are very good at it. Seventy-five percent of those people reported that either they were shy or had been shy.

Simple truth is there are barriers in every person to satisfying conversation.

How did 75% of Susan RoAne’s ConverSensations who considered themselves shy work through their discomfort?

One way was focusing on others. First you can melt the ice by focusing on the event. Then reveal a bit of information about yourself. Remember, everyone has childhoods, hobbies or interests. Many have children, have taken trips or vacations. These are rich topics.

Also these people worked through their discomfort by acting like the host. They made sure everyone was at ease, introduced and felt welcome.

Sharing a sincere compliment can begin or contribute to a conversation. People love hearing that something about them is appreciated, valued, or noticed.

Good conversationalists have plenty of outside interests to talk about. They may play football/soccer, love movies, traveling or listening to pop or classical music. Good conversationalists can talk about what they don’t do in order to engage someone in conversation who does! The fun is that the focus is on the other person.

Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos  for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercises.

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Should You Accept an Invitation to Speak??

Should You Accept an Invitation to Speak?

(Of course, if your boss asks you to give a speech, do it!)

  • Do you have the time in your schedule?

o   You need time to get to and from the event and answer questions

  • Do you have time to prepare?

o   You want to prepare a speech you are proud of and satisfies the expectations of your audience

o   Preparing  a 30-minute speech can take hours, days, weeks or months depending on who you are speaking to and how important the speech is,

Deal with the present and look towards the future. Now that we enter times of hybrid working, virtual and in-person, organizations are requesting speakers for their events. It is fall 2021 so organizations are now booking presenters for 2022.

Look toward the future. All the work you devote to a socko presentation aids you by honing your knowledge, by building credibility as an expert and positions you for doors opening in the future.


Colloquial Phrases Ripped from Broadcast and Print Media

Colloquial Phrases Ripped from Broadcast and Print Media

You’ve probably already know this: As languages expand to greater populations, their vocabulary exponentially grows.

And you know this: Human beings enjoy variety.

So, add these colloquial phrases to verbal communication for variety, succinctness, and to signal that you are ahead of the curve and current.

It’s some kind of calling.  – CNBC Nov. 3, 2021 in answer to the query, “Why are you so passionate about your work?”

…. she said.    …. , he said.  First heard from a new female broadcaster on 3:00 am MDT (Denver) /5:00 am EDT (New York) following a verbal fluff where two or three words were mispronounced to the point of nintelligibility. Heard 4 days later on November 4, 2021  from the seasoned broadcaster who was back from vacation.  Goes to show you, the best sometimes mangle words.  Example: “enveerocle…  environmental ecological  advice, she said.”   No fluffs or slurring followed this error and fix.  Ack, the broadcasters regained discipline and focus to get to the articulation expected of their profession.  Even at dawn’s break.

It is not on my radar. DW newscast Nov. 2, 2021. That’s another way of saying, “I didn’t notice.”

Plan smart, grow smart.  This Week in Agribusiness, Oct. 31, 2021

Understand your opportunities and goals.  This Week in Agribusiness, Oct. 31, 2021

Our company has an R&D engine.  This Week in Agribusiness, Oct. 31, 2021. Research and Development. 

Search for new experiences.  Bloomberg, Oct. 29, 2021  Executive for  a mammoth cruise company described his company’s 500,000 customers.

Cash on the sidelines.  Bloomberg, October 29, 2021, Executive for investment company described why the stockmarket is surging due to many people having cash in reserve. Sideline in sport means off the playing field.   Cash was in the bank because of no vacations, cut in work related driving,(gas), and clothes not purchased for work and school from home in 2020 and 2021.  Now these people want their money to work for them.

Let this begin. Bloomberg, Oct. 29, 2021

Let’s start with the why. Bloomberg, Oct. 29, 2021

Now- Colloquial Words and Phrases

Colloquial words and phrases heard on cable media and seen in print media this past week. Spice up your communication.

  1. Fingers crossed. As in “Fingers crossed that we get rain.” ABC 10/10/2021
  2. Stay in the game
  3. Sadly. As in “Sadly, it is not a typical year.”
  4. The timeline. As in “The timeline for finishing college has slipped from 4 to 6 years.” CNBC 10/11/2021
  5. Make it a part of your plan. (Ag Weekly 10/10/2021
  6. Good to be with you.
  7. I appreciate and value your insights. CNBC 10/11/2021