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Speech Tips

The Importance of Good Breathing

The Importance of Good Breathing


Did you know that when we speak, we use a different breathing pattern than when we are at rest?

• Our ratio of inhalation to exhalation at rest is close to 1:1

• For speech, that ratio must change to 1:5 or even 1:10

• You can control the air as it is exhaled if you let the diaphragm and abdominal muscles do the


Rerun from Nov 11, 2013 and Feb 6, 2017

The Top 10 Public Speaking Tips from Broadcasters

The Top 10 Public Speaking Tips from Broadcasters


Everyone is asked to answer questions about work or academic topics or issues.  It could be in a meeting, when you are asked to describe your project.  It could be in a class, when you are asked to describe your experience with a topic or analyze an issue.  It could be during the question/answer portion of a presentation, homily, delivering a report.

In the American culture, the favorite is for responses to be direct and to the point.

The task for you is similar to broadcasters who are doing live reporting.  About six months before he passed, my dear husband found this book for me.  He found tips in it he thought would be useful to me… and you.  So here are some tips for extemporaneous or impromptu presentations … or simply answering complex questions.. from the broadcasting industry from Ann S. Utterback, Ph.D., Broadcast Voice Handbook, How to Polish Your On-Air Delivery.

Your goal is to be clear and helpful.  Economy is the goal. Keep the response short, precise.  Less said well is better than more said rambling.

Some specific tips for preparing and for delivery:

  1. Take the time to develop a simple sentence in your mind that will summarize your answer.   Your summary sentence is what you have decided is the key point you want to make.
  2.   You are also deciding on why you are saying what you want to say.  Knowing the “why” helps you to know the “what” and the “how” to say it.
  3. Once you have developed this summary sentence, it is easy to construct two or three main points that relate to this sentence.
  4. Economy and clarity of information can be improved by focusing on two or three main points.
  5. Limit each sentence to one idea.  (Hey, simple, right?  Cleverly simple!)
  6. Use short sentences.
  7. Avoid fillers, which might be verbal fillers such as “uh,” “okay,” or “um,” or they could be sentences you include just to fill up time or perhaps to give you time to think.   You might also be using verbal fillers to begin sentences like “Now….” Or “As you can see…”  You might be using verbal fillers to help you by giving you time to think, but they distract the listeners.  Instead, just pause and give yourself a moment to think of the next thing.  The best native-born speakers do this.  You do it, too!
  8. If you are fortunate enough to have forewarning that you are going to be asked to respond to a question, or you have foresight about what is likely to happen, then prepare the summary sentence and talking points beforehand.  (For a presentation, think, think, think… of what the probable questions are going to be.  Or test the presentation on a listener and see what questions they have.)
  9. Even if you are fortunate enough to have a written summary, you want to be able to speak in an extemporaneous speaking style, which means thinking up words that you want to say as you say them.  You will have a map to follow with your talking points, but basically you will be just talking.  In order to do this well, you must have good focus.  Focus means to put everything else out of your head … your next meal, your aching back, anticipation of a great party….
  10. It is a good idea to memorize your exit line.  (First you have to think of an exit line.)   Having a memorized exit line means that if you are suddenly stopped or you miscalculate the length of the presentation or response and have to stop suddenly, you can do so with some grace… your exit line.  You can do better than.  “That’s all…”   But it could be as simple as:  “Now I have given you the information as I know it.  The solutions are complex and will take patience.  In the words of one of my favorite truisms, this one by St. Jerome who said, “Be patient with everyone, AND especially yourself.”

P.S. Some people like to memorize their opening line so they feel secure at the beginning of their talk.

Next time will be how to learn from the experts in your spare time!

Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos  for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercise.

Rerun from Nov 20, 2013 and Dec 28, 2016

Fail-Safe Questions

Fail-Safe Questions
For this week’s accent reduction advice, we have a speech tip video below. Also, whether you are a student meeting new people or an adult who knows no one at a work gathering, you can use fail-safe questions with particular themes to open and start conversations.  Today, here are three:
  • The journey theme: “Are you from here or did you move here? When? Why?”
  • The recent past: “What have you been working on lately?”
  • The situation you are engaged in now: “How do you know the host?  What did you think of that presentation?”

Rerun from 11/4/2013 and 01/30/2017

English communication and American Slang: Nouns and Adjectives

English communication and American Slang: Nouns and Adjectives


American slang is a casual vocabulary.  These words are some of the most popular and can be used by all.  Here are noun and adjective slang words.

American Slang Nouns

brain: a very intelligent person

Bill Gates must be a brain.

munchies: snacks like pretzels, popcorn, potato chips, crackers

Let’s get some munchies at the soccer game.

penny pincher: a super thrifty person who rarely spends money.

Don never goes to restaurants because he is such a penny pincher.

stuff:  things (but used as a singular, non-count noun.)

Sarah has to buy some stuff at the grocery store so she can cook for dinner.

American Slang Adjectives

awesome:  amazing

That was an awesome performance.

beat: tired

Robert is beat today because he was up late last night.

down: sad, depressed

Sue is down because her dog died.

broke: having no money

Mary spent all her money on supplies for school so now she’s broke.

on cloud nine: very, very happy

Ken just won five thousand dollars in a lottery so he is on cloud nine!

Be sure to watch our English Speech Tips videos and Accent Reduction Tip videos for more English pronunciation and accent reduction exercise.

Rerun from 11/13/2013 and 12/21/2020

Polish Your Conversational Skills

Polish Your Conversational Skills
For this week’s accent reduction advice, we have a speech tip video below.
Also, an important aspect of English speech training is polishing conversational skills. If you avoid brief social interactions, try making pleasant connections with neighbors, co-workers or other people you see regularly.
  • Smile at the woman serving you at the coffee-shop counter
  • At the next gathering of friends or family, talk with someone you don’t know so you can make connections within the larger group
  • Ask a co-worker how his or her day is going

Rerun from 10/28/2013 and 01/23/2017