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The “How Can I Help” Call

The “How Can I Help” Call

For this “How Can I  Help” call, just by calling you are showing that you care.  Letting someone know that you are available can mean a lot.  People often don’t know what to ask for, but with good listening and asking skills, you may be able to find out enough to know what to offer.

Support comes in many forms – a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens, a word of encouragement, a piece of information, a hand to hold for comfort.



Rerun from 04/13/2015

The “How Can I Help” Call

The “How Can I Help” Call

You make this call to offer support and make yourself available as a resource.  When you hear about a project or challenge someone is facing, do call.  If you hear someone is going through a job search, you can call and offer ideas and moral support.

You may have to ask some questions to find out what is really needed.



Rerun from 04/06/2015